It started to be quite for a while at the TS (Tudong saji) after the event of "
Drift Battle Knock Out 2". Confirm ramai yang tgh rehat2 and kereta r/c pun mau rehat juge kan. Hehehe.. So I would like to congratez to the winner and all the participants that joined the event.
Thank you juge kepada team
Driftech, TDS and
Wangan yang datang jauh utk participate the event. We all from KB Drifter are greatly appreciated for your participation and would like to apologized kalau ada yang salah dan silap. Hope you all having fun from the event that we made and organised it.
Insyaallah, we'll make a new events and a new track layout for the next "
Fun Mini Drift Tournament" again. So to all drifters yang pernah joined, jgn malu2 and serik2 utk join lagi. Hehehe... And kepada yang baru2 nak main r/c drift tu, jgn tunggu lama2, just try to participate it and have fun on it. (^_^)